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Han X.Y.

Recurring Eczema



The first time I had a flare up was in 2010 and it subsided in 2013 after attending a few bioresonance therapies. I had my second eczema flare up in Apr 2023 and having been through bioresonance therapy sessions before, I scoured the internet for such sessions. It was then when I found Good Salt Bioresonance Therapy.

Initially the area around my joints started to develop rashes and it eventually spread to the rest of my body up to my chest. It was especially itchy throughout the day and there were times where I would wake up in the middle of the night due to the itch. Lynnette ran tests on my first visit and patiently explained the problem areas detected from the report generated. Afterwhich she sent us the report so I could refer to it as and when I needed. I could see a huge improvement after just one session as the itchiness subsided and the rashes started to go away.

The environment was comfortable and inviting. We talked about my previous experience and together we tried to find out potential triggers that caused the flare up. The sessions were flexible and I never felt pressured to go back. As I continued to go for the sessions, my body naturally healed and after 3 sessions the rashes were completely gone.

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